African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities (AFCAMP)
Grants Awarded
Unrestricted Funding
Founded in 2001, African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities (AFCAMP) is a parent-led nonprofit organization that provides resources, training and support to families in Hartford to help them become their children’s best advocate. From its inception, AFCAMP has participated in a range of local and state coalitions and task forces to advocate system changes that address issues of equity for children of color who are at risk of poor education and health outcomes or over-representation in the juvenile justice or child welfare system. While programs and services initially focused on special education challenges in the Hartford school system, they soon expanded to address the lack of information available to parents and access to equitable treatment in other child-serving systems. This grant provides general operating support to AFCAMP.
Advocacy Training & Support to Families
To assist parents of children with disabilities involved in or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice, special education, mental health or child welfare systems to learn about and advocate for their rights and those of their children. This grant enables AFCAMP staff to handle individual cases, all of which involve an education matter, and to conduct trainings and workshops in Hartford and New Haven. It also helps AFCAMP promote the involvement of parents and community providers at state and local forums to improve school climate and academic outcomes for youth with disabilities.