Clifford W. Beers Guidance Clinic
Grants Awarded
Unrestricted Funding
Located in New Haven, with additional offices in Hamden and Guilford, Clifford Beers provides intensive outpatient mental health programs, early intervention and prevention programs, mobile crisis intervention services, care coordination, and support for victims of crime. It provides services in schools, community clinics and in the home, meeting clients where they are. This grant provides general operating support to Clifford Beers as it provides children and their families with trauma-informed, integrated care that reduces chronic stress and builds healthy and supportive connections.
Juveniles Opting For Treatment to Learn Appropriate Behaviors (JOTLAB) Program
To support the Juveniles Opting for Treatment to Learn Appropriate Behaviors (JOTLAB) therapeutic services for youth ages 8 to 18 who are referred by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families or Juvenile Court for problem sexual behavior. Most of the youth have juvenile or adult criminal records. Each youth receives trauma-informed individual, group and family therapy; social skills development; supervised recreational activities; alternative therapies, such as biofeedback, mindfulness and yoga, and life skills counseling during a minimum 18 months of treatment. This grant also supports a specialized intensive outpatient program for girls, an in-home service for youth with a history of problematic sexual behavior who may be on the path to juvenile delinquency and a parent support group.