JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA)
Grants Awarded
Unrestricted Funding
Founded in 2014, JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) invests in the leadership of men and women directly impacted by the criminal legal system by educating, empowering and elevating their voices so they have the tools and resources to self-organize and advocate for themselves, their families and their communities. JLUSA builds local power by providing leadership training programs and educational opportunities for formerly incarcerated and directly impacted leaders and by convening grassroots leaders, advocates and organizations to share strategies, learn from each other and build coalitions. This grant provides general operating support for JLUSA and its belief that “those closest to the problem are closest to the solution.”
Leadership Training Programs for the Formerly Incarcerated
JustLeadershipUSA was founded in November 2014 on the principle that those closest to the incarceration problem are closest to the solution, but furthest from power and resources. Through its work, JLUSA empowers, trains and provides technical assistance to people most affected by incarceration to help them drive grassroots activism and policy reform. JLUSA invests in and empowers formerly incarcerated men and women to lead local and national criminal justice reform efforts through its 12-month, cohort-based Leading with Conviction (LwC) advanced leadership training and its day-long Emerging Leaders program. This grant will allow JLUSA to build and expand its leadership programs.