Lifebridge Community Services
Grants Awarded
Unrestricted Funding
To provide general operating support for this comprehensive social services agency, which annually assists 17,000 people affected by poverty. LifeBridge serves its clients through five core programs: Economic Empowerment, Youth Services, Behavioral Health Services, Food Services, and the Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition. In addition, LifeBridge publishes its annual The State of the Child report, which provides data on the social conditions impacting Bridgeport’s children and youth.
Work to Learn (W2L)/Youth Business Center (YBC)
To provide case management, clinical services, career exploration opportunities, job readiness and financial literacy training for youth ages 14 to 18 on probation or parole or at high risk of delinquent behavior. The youth participate in and receive stipends for apprenticeships at the Youth Business Center in such areas as boat-building, guitar-making, music and video production, cosmetology, photography and computer design. They explore careers and learn a marketable skill, how to fill out job applications and proper conduct on job interviews and in the workplace. The youth receive case management and clinical services and participate in recreational/educational field trips and service learning. Those who advance in the program are offered paid apprenticeships or employment.