Malta Justice Initiative (MJI)
Grants Awarded
Unrestricted Funding
The Malta Justice Initiative (“MJI”) is a non-denominational, non-profit 501(c)(3) entity. MJI emphasizes the human dignity of the incarcerated, while also recognizing victims’ rights to justice and society’s need for public safety. It is committed to ministering and advocating for the incarcerated community and their families. MJI does so by (a) informing the general public about the need to reform our criminal justice system, both in Connecticut and nationally; (b) visiting the incarcerated, affirming their human dignity and ministering to their spiritual needs; (c) facilitating inmate re-entry to their families and communities as rehabilitated, employed, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens; and (d) promoting the critical need for society to recognize the need to hire former offenders.
Employer Opinion Survey on Hiring of Formerly Incarcerated People
To create and distribute a survey to a range of Connecticut employers in order to collect data on the hiring practices and barriers to employment of persons with criminal records. Malta will partner with the Nielsen/Harris firm to create the polling questions and analyze results. Business associations in the state will help distribute the survey to members. Survey results will be shared with policymakers, the media and the public. Malta and its advocacy partners also will use the survey to encourage the business community to reform their practices and offer more job opportunities to those with prior justice involvement, including the formerly incarcerated.
Criminal Justice Reform Initiative
To support advocacy efforts with policymakers and the public, particularly the faith, business and academic communities, to reform Connecticut’s criminal justice system and reduce incarceration. MJI promotes its reform message at speaking engagements and through a book it produced called “The Justice Imperative,” a call to action to, among other things, close prisons and redirect the savings to drug and mental health treatment, education and vocational training and other community services.