Roca, Inc.
Grants Awarded
Young Mothers Program in Hartford
Launched in October 2021, the Hartford Young Mothers Program provides trauma-informed parenting and life skills, employment and education to young mothers impacted by community violence and at high risk of losing their children to the child welfare system. Roca gives the young women multiple opportunities to recover from setbacks. Early childhood programming is also offered for their children from birth to age five. Demand for services is through the roof as more women and girls are getting caught up in the justice system, both in the state and nationally. With this increased funding support, Roca will hire more staff and expand programming, which is grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an intensive case management and relationship- focused model. Roca plans to replicate its workforce readiness and transitional employment program in Hartford that will provide selected clients with 26 hours of work per week for one year. It will work directly with local police, the justice system and community partners to wrap services around these young people and help them achieve long-term behavior change.